
Hello! My name is Leah. As long as I can remember, I have loved gemstones.

From a young age, I was amazed by the earth's God-given ability to create these gorgeous, natural rocks and minerals in so many stunning textures and colors. 

The first gemstone I was introduced to was Tiger's Eye in first or second grade, when a geologist visited my school. He gave each student a tiny piece of polished Tiger's Eye to take home, and with its shimmering golden bands, I thought it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. That day, my "rock collection" was born. 

I maintained my collection through elementary and middle school, carefully gathering new gemstones from places like the Houston Museum of Natural Science and various Texas state park gift shops. My siblings and I looked for geodes and other unique rocks in our yard, on hikes, and in creek beds.

As I got older, I forgot about my rock collection and found other hobbies such as painting, knitting and jewelry making. I also became more serious about my Catholic faith and began to pray the rosary more frequently than I ever had before. When I was confirmed, my cousin gave me a rosary that she made herself, using pretty green beads. I was touched by this gift, and amazed that she made something so beautiful just for me.

In college at Franciscan University of Steubenville, I joined a group called Daughters of Divine Mercy and developed a devotion to the Rosary and the Divine Mercy chaplet. It was during my years in college, and especially studying abroad in Austria, when I fell completely in love with the beauty of the Catholic Church.

As I visited magnificent basilicas and cathedrals across Europe, their grandeur, tradition and beauty overwhelmed me. They stayed imprinted in my mind and heart upon my return to the U.S. Once home, I found myself missing the magnificence and reverence I had fallen in love with abroad. For over a year, I wondered what I could do to share a bit of that beauty with the Church and with others.

St. Stephen's Cathedral | Vienna, Austria

When my sister went off to college this fall, I wanted to give her a gift that would be both useful and meaningful. I did a little research, bought some gemstone beads from a wholesale site, and made her a rosary. I had so much fun making it and rediscovering my love of gemstones and hands-on crafts. My sister, as well as other family and friends, loved it.

So now, here I am, offering to you what has brought me so much joy. If you love beauty, if you love gemstones and glass and silver and gold, if you love the Rosary, I'm so glad you're here! I hope you find a treasure or a worthy gift for yourself or someone else.